
Fill in: am,is, are.1. she his wife? 2. your sister a tailor? 3. you a fisherman? 4. they tortoises? 5. it an eagle? 6. i a driver? 7. his brothers pilots?

. 10

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08.07.2020, проверен экспертом

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Get up!It's nearly eight.

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There are some dates which are holidays in this country. The first holiday of the year begins with the New Year Day on the first of January. On the eve of the New Year Day, that is at night of the thirty first of December, we are usually at home with our family or with our friends near a New Year tree is decorated with our bright and toys. At 12 o'clock we wish each other "Happy New Year!" We give presents to our friends and to all the family. Children like this holiday very much, because their winter vacation begins with the New Year day and last two weeks. They have a lot of fun then. They dance and sing round a New Year tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. During the winter vacation children do not study, they can play hockey, skate, ski and others. The next holiday which is celebrated in Russia is Christmas. It takes places on the 7th of January. This religious holiday began to be marked only some years ago. We do not study on this day now. On the eight of March we celebrated one more holiday. It is International Women's Day. On this day we present our dear women, with flowers. This day is also a day off. Victory Day, the anniversary of the victory over fascist Germany, comes on the ninth of May. Millions of our people gave their lives for our country's freedom and independence. All the coun-tries which fought in the Second World War against fascism celebrate this great holiday, Victory Day. My most favorite holiday is the New Year Day and Christmas.

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1) How many lamps are there in our house? 2) How many wardrobes are there in the living room? 3) What is there in the didning room? 4) What is there in the bedroom?

Когда задаешь вопросы, которые начинаются с There is/are или There was/were, просто меняй два первых слова местами и, если вопрос специальный, ставь в самое начало вопросительное слово (when, where, why и др.) Good luck!



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1) Glasses

2) Another

3) on

4) do

5) will

6) walking

7) change

8) kettle


На русском это будет так. Чтобы было понятнее.

1) Ты должен носить очки для сноуборда на лицо, если ты идёшь кататься на сноуборде.

2) Ты купить ещё одну пару джинсов, если твои старые износятся?

3) Если там что-нибудь неинтересное по телевизору вечером? То ты пойдёшь со мной в кино?

4) Что ты будешь делать, когда закончишь этот кроссворд?

5) Если мы будем идти так медленно(думаю там у тебя не знак ворпоса вовсе). Мы will(вс глагол - переводится как будет, но в данном случае просто для правильной постановки предложения) опоздаем в школу, так что давай поторопимся!

6) Если ты так и дальше будешь идти, то ты собьёшь свой ритм дыхания.

7) Если ты не изменишь своё поведение, никто тебя так и не полюбит.

8) Если ты поставишь чайник, я сделаю тебе чай.

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[email protected] спробуй цей

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1.How many courses are there in a modern menu?- There are 2 or 3 courses in a modern menu.
2. What are starters? -Appetizers or snacks; Soups; - the first three courses - are startes
3. When are the appetizers served? -They are served at the served at the beginning of the meal
4.What are kinds of soup do you know? Soups may be thick potage or thin consomme
5. When are the entrees served?- They are served between the fish and the main meat courses
6. What is the main course?- The main course is the most substantial course of the meal.
7.What is a dessert? Dessert is the sweet course at the end of a meal or before coffee.
What can be served for a dessert? It can be chocolates, biscuits or fruits. ice cream
8.When is coffee served?- It is served after dessert
9. What are the five courses most commonly found on a modern menu? -They are Appetizers or snacks; Soups; Entrees; Main Courses; Deserts.
10. Why are hors-d'oeuvres small? -Hors-d'oeuvres are small because they are appetizers.

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1. Are we going to the circus?

2. This  is the main street of the town.

3. Yesterday Peter was  at the party.

Обрати внимание, очень много ошибок в написании слов, во 2 предложенном наборе слов yesterday лишнее, ф в 3 чего - то не хватает( я добавила слово party) .


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1)This dinosaur's smaller than a chicken.

2)This dinosaur's fasterthan a plane.

3)This dinosaur's heavier than ten elephants.

4)This dinosaur's longer than a bike.

5)This dinosaur's bigger than two buses.

6)This dinosaur's taller than a house.


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I am writing   to  inquire about your advertisement in the May edition of "Around The World" magazine. I am interested in  visiting  Italy and would be grateful if you could   send  me further details.
Your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Borispol Airport. Will the flight  leave  in the morning or in the evening? The advertisement also mentions that the price includes seven nights in a five-star accommodation. Will I  have my own room or will I have  to share? In addition, regarding the meals that the price includes, I'd like  to know if all meals are included in the full cost or if the price only includes breakfast. Finally, could you  tell me whether the tour includes  visiting Vatican and if there will be time to go  shopping?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance for your help.