Most popular Legend story play

. 11

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the legend of dombra



because this is a legend about the origin of dombra

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вот если можно лайк

STORY FACTFILE Most popular legend /story/playNames of the hero and heroineLocationWhy it's popularW
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the legend of dombra



because this is a legend about the origin of dombra

= >

= ^

= )


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180 см2 = 0,018 м2;

4 см2 = 0,00004 м2;

Давление, оказываемое большим поршнем на малый равно давлению, оказываемому малым поршнем на масло. Принимая, что давление равно отношению действующей силы к площади поверхности, найдем силу, с которой малый поршень давит на масло:

F1 * S1 = F2 * S2;

F2 = F1 * S1 / S2 = 18000 * 0,018 / 0,00004 = 8100000 Н = 8100 кН.

ответ: F2 = 8100 кН.

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When will you finish your first year at Cambridge?
In two weeks I shall finish my first year at Cambridge.
Are the students only English?
The students are mainly English, but there are many others.

What is an interesting tradition there?
It is known as "sconcing".
Who orders a student to be "sconced"?
The senior student orders him to be "sconced".

How long can the students stay out?
The students can stay out till twelve o'clock.
May a student be dismissed from the University for one term or two terms?
A student may be dismissed from the University for one term.

When do you attend your lectures?
We attend our lectures in the morning .
What is the most popular sport?
The most popular sport is rowing.
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According to legend, the sport of rugby began one afternoon in 1823 at England's Rugby School, when William Webb Ellis, playing soccer with his fellow students, (1) picked up the ball and ran toward the goal. Though there is little historical fact (2) to verify this story, it is true that the first rules of the game (3) were written at the Rugby School in 1843. The sport now (4) thrives across the globe and is played by two different sets of rules — Rugby Union and Rugby League. Rugby is particularly popular in the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and France.

In 1871 the Rugby Football Union (RFU) was organized. As more clubs joined the RFU, (5) to allow for matches throughout England, a disagreement (6) arose between southern clubs, whose players were largely from the aristocratic class, and northern clubs that (7) were composed mostly of working-class players. The northern clubs wanted to compensate players for time (8) lost from their jobs; the southern clubs wanted (9) to maintain the competitive purity of the amateur game. The argument became so bitter that the northern clubs split from the RFU in 1895 and formed the Northern Rugby League, which (10) adapted a new set of rules.