
Worksheet 1: Matching exercise Instructions: Match the phrasal verb on the left with its meaning on the right. 1. Break out a. to escape
2. Break away b. to separate or detach 3. Break up c. to become unusable or inoperative
4. Break in d. to interrupt or enter forcibly 5. Break down e. to start suddenly and violently

. 7

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1.Break out - e. to start suddenly and violently

2.Break away - b. to separate or detach

3.Break up - c. to become unusable or inoperative

4.Break in - d. to interrupt or enter forcibly

5.Break down - c. to become unusable or inoperative

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impossibility, invisible,to increase,often,presence,unknown species,to blight,non-coordination

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1)с какими тремя социальными проблемами молодые люди сталкиваются сегодня?
2)делает ли участие в молодёжных организациях жизнь подростка более активной?
4)в какие молодежные организации вы бы порекомендовали подростку вступить?
5)насчёт пятого не уверен
люди говорят, что волонтерская работа может принести великое разнообразие в нашу жизнь и жизнь людей вокруг нас. что вы считаете по этому поводу?

1)Часто подростки сталкиваются с травлей
непониманием со стороны родителей
внутренними проблемами и конфликтами, вызванными социумом
often young people are get bullied by other students, or face misunderstanding from their parents. some of the students face internal divisions, caused by society

2)участие в молодёжных организациях значительно повышает активную жизнь подростка, что вызвано заинтересованностью подростка
participation at (in?) youth organisations greatly increase active life of teenager, which caused by interest of teenager

4)я рекомендую вступить в модель ООН, клуб интернациональной дружбы, молодежную информационную службу Казахстана

4) I recommend to join the model of OUN, club of international friendship and youth informational agency of Kazakhstan
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1 Where are the girls sitting?

2 How does that dress look on me?

3 What does your sister do in Australia?

4 What are you wearing?

5 How's the weather in Norway now?

6 What does Harry like wearing?

7 Is it raining here? (Здесь так нужно, скорее всего.)

8 Where are you staying?

9 Where does he work?

10 When does Elsa lways wake up?

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Father Elephant bought in the  shop new beautiful socks for his son.

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1. What is the friend*s name ?

2. Has Paul got a small or large family ?

3. What kind of family has Paul got ?          

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 1 variant

2. 1)Mary can cook

2) JOhn can't speak english

3) Can birds fly?

3. Rose (iz), door (s), bone(s), nose(iz), piano(s), port(s), dish(iz), mug(z), park(s)

4.  Hello! I am Willy. I like to playing with my pet. Her name is Molly. She is a big white dog. She likes playing with a ball. We always run in the morning in the park.

5. 1) What's your name? My name is ...
2) How old are you?  I am 14
3) Where are you from? I am from Kazakhstan
4) Are you a pupil? Yes, i am
5) Is your mum a teacher? No, she's not
6) Can you fly? No, i can't
7) Do you have a pet? No, i haven't 

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  she immerse herself in learning.

Она погрузалась с головой в учебу.

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-Hello Tom,I did not expect to see you here.How are you?

-Hi, Kate!I am fine and you? I had to come here to find information for my report about anciet Rome.And what are you looking for?

-I am fine too and as you I am looking for information, but to my biology lesson. I  also came here to return the book.

-What is the book?

- Three men in a boat(To say nothing of the dog)

-And did you like it?

-Oh,yes!I liked it so much that I can say that it is my favourite book now.And do you like to read? 

-I like to read very much,I like detective stories,I think that it is interesting.Well,Kate I found everything for my report?it was nice to meet you.Goodbye



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1-Past Simple

2-Present Simple

3-Past Simple 

 1-Who had to make the bed? Did he or she have to make the bed? He had to make the bed ,did not he? Did he have to make the bed? What did he have to make the bed?

2-Do Tim & Tom work the shop? Who workin the shop? Where do they work? Tim & Tom work in the shop , do not they? Do Tim or Ann and Tom or Sara work in the shop?

3-Did he read interesting book yesterday? Who read interesting book yesterday? How long did he read book yesterday? He read interesting book yessterday ,did not he? Did he or she read interesting book yesterday?