
Переведите на язык: 1.она много путешествует.этим летом она ездила во францию.она уже вернулась в москву. 2.ты читал поэмы байрона? да, мы читали их в году.тебе они нравятся? 3.ты играешь на пианино? послушай, джон играет.он всегда играет хорошо. 4.когда мы были в крыму, мы часами гуляли в горах 5.какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? я не читаю книг, я люблю газеты и журналы 6.я не видел его в последнее время.а я только что встретил его.он шёл в библиотеку 7.ты часто ходишь в кино? нет, я не был в кино с лета 8.я купила это платье 3 года назад.оно было самое дешёвое.цены сейчас растут 9.ты купишь билеты в театр? нет, .мама уже купила.мы идём в театр завтра 10.ты будешь свободна сегодня вечером? нет, я встречаюсь со своей подругой в 7

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08.07.2020, проверен экспертом
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1. She travels a lot. This summer she has gone to France. She has already returned to Moscow.
2. Have you read Byron's poems? Yes, we read them last year. Do you like them?
3. Can you play the piano? Listen, John is playing. He always plays well.
4. When we were in the Crimea, we were walking in the mountains for hours.
5. What book are you reading now? I don't read books, I like newspapers and magazines 6. I haven't seen him lately. And I have just met him. He was going to the library
7. Do you often go to the cinema? No, I haven't been to the cinema since summer.
8. I bought this dress 3 years ago. It was the cheapest one. Prices are rising now.
9. Will you buy tickets to the theater? No, thank you. Mom has already bought . We are going to the theater tomorrow.
10. Will you be free tonight? No, I'm meeting with my girlfriend at 7 o'clock.

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1) There isn't a bookshelf at the window.
2) There aren't two girls in the room.
3) There isn't an armchair by the table.
4) There aren't two beds in the bedroom.

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Вони часто ходять в парк в неділю. Вони пішли в парк, в минуле неділю. Вони будуть йти в парк, в наступне неділю

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She doesn't eat pizza every often; What computer game are you playing now?

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Angliya (English England [ˈɪŋɡ lənd]) — the largest historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the country (country) in its structure, occupying a southeast part of the big island Great Britain known as for English mainland. The population of England makes 83 % from total number of the population of Great Britain.

England association became no time conflicting counties in 927 and takes the name from англов, one of the German tribes which located there in the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England — London, the biggest city in Great Britain and the European union.

England — a place of an origin of English and Anglican church, and the English legislation forms a basis of legal systems of many countries; besides, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country — the birthplace of Industrial revolution. England was the first industrialized country in the world, and also the country with parliamentary democracy, the constitutional, governmental and which legal innovations were adopted by other nations and the countries.

The kingdom England, including the principality Wales, was the separate state till May 1 1707 when united with Scotland to the Kingdom Great Britain.

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Дівчинка, що має риб"ячий хвіст та живе у морі. Донька Нептуна. (Русалочка)

Доба та вродлива, має 7 помічників - гномів. (Білосніжка)

Донька чаклунки, що мала довжелезне чаріве волосся. (Рапунцель)

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Да это легко.Most Ukrainian teens now prefer computer games or comunicate in computer sites. It`s very bad for our gesund. Modern society is very lazy. There are many science and sport sections, but modern teens don`t go there. Sport make people healthy, keeps them bit more organized. That`s why modern children are week. There are a lot of science, such as informatic, maths, where childen can go to better their knowledges and its free. Some people(for.ex. yourth? which love each others) can go to the cinema, or on the concert. In the concerthalls people can hear music. Some people prefer sport games. It`s very useful for you health. You can play football, volleyball, hockey...  A few percent of teens prefer reading. They read books or magazines.  In suumer many teens go to their grandparents and help them. Some person go at the seasidе и т.д. и т.п. Легкая тема .  

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All of the poem is built on the antithesis: a vulgar earthly world is contrasted with the eternal, perfect.
I sat there ..
Somewhere sang
Full catering hall, but the hero does not hear its sound, he hears wonderful music."Somewhere sang" - where is it? Not from a different world these sounds?Interestingly, where the hero. It is not the first one in the works of the Bloc has a window seat.
And slowly passing between the drunken,
Always, without satellites, a,
Breathing perfume and mist,
She sits by the window.
Why is the window? Maybe it symbolizes the way out the window into the world of love and harmony, and the characters look this way? And they find. And the hero of the poem makes a scandalous, from the perspective of the lay of etiquette, act: sending a lady who came with her partner, a flower:
I sent you ...
Gold, like the sky, a,,.
The Black Rose in a glass of wine gold - a symbol, action hero - a challenge.Black - the color of sorrow and suffering, but rose from it no less beautiful, as well as the Beautiful Lady, the world soul which has appeared on the ground and turned into suffering beauty. And the heroine of the poem is the beauty in themselves, without even knowing about it. Hero puts a rose in a golden wine, not accidentally strange at first vzlyad comparison "golden as the sky." The sky symbolizes eternity, harmony, and the hero wants to rescue the Beautiful Lady of the vulgarity and hopelessness. Understand whether this rush of the heroine? Of course, understands, though trying hard to hide it. Maybe because I do not believe in salvation? But the deliberate harshness, contempt, nesootnosimoe with excitement, she did not interfere with hearing the same music of the eternal world, which hears the hero.
And now ...
And the heroine, feeling close to the hero walks away.
You tore the movement frightened the birds,
You was like my dream, is easy ...
Dream Romantic poets were perceived as the perfect outlet to the world, a dream reflects our subconscious is not controlled by reason, lets look into the recesses of the soul. Blok's lyrical hero is often the beauty of dreams. beauty of the soul of the hero lives, so he can see it everywhere, even in a crowded hall of the restaurant. Yes, the heroine goes. But it does not go from the hero, she leaves the restaurant hall, from the world of banality and vanity. It goes through the looking glass, in an ideal world and calls for a hero:
But from the depths of the room you're throwing me glances
And, throwing, screaming, "Catch!"
The hero did what he had to do. His action, he saved Beauty, Beautiful Lady, he returned to the world of eternity, and it does not matter whether the world objectively, or the world - the soul of a hero. And the earth with a squealing, instead of singing seems so pathetic and unnatural, like the lights "on the yellow dawn."

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1) After four years of (primary) elementary school she went to secondary school
2) Education in primary and secondary schools lasts eleven years.
3) The school year lasts nine months.
4) Nine-year education is compulsory for all.
5) Compulsory education in England begins at five.
6) When children are seven years old, they go to the junior school, which they finish at eleven.
7) If children go to grammar school, they get a good secondary education.
8) The main subjects in English school are the English language, Mathematics and Chemistry.
9) British schoolchildren wear a uniform.
10) Boys and girls in private schools do not study together at the same school.