С! надо! заполнить пропуски. 1.заполните пропуски в предложении. he asks how long … at this company? выберите один ответ: -she had been working -has she been working -she has been working -had she been working 2.заполните пропуски в предложении. tom said that his wife … . выберите один ответ: -already came -had already come -has already come -had already come 3.заполните пропуски в предложении. how long … for my brother? выберите один ответ: -were you waiting -have you waited -have you been waiting -you have been waiting 4.заполните пропуски в предложении. by the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning. выберите один ответ: -got, will play -get, will have played -get, will have been playing -have got, will be playing 5.заполните пропуски в предложении. since when … at this factory? выберите один ответ: -did you work -you have worked -have you been working -was you working 6.заполните пропуски в предложении. the specialist said that he … english in 1991. выберите один ответ: -begun learning -had begun learning -has begun learning -began learning 7.заполните пропуски в предложении. tom asked if … for his brother? выберите один ответ: -had we been waiting -we had been waiting -we were waiting -we have been waiting 8.заполните пропуски в предложении. the students say that … a lot of books lately. выберите один ответ: -they had been reading -they have read -they have been reading -they read 9.заполните пропуски в предложении. ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock. выберите один ответ: -has been reading -had been reading -had read-have been reading 10.заполните пропуски в предложении. she … the work. выберите один ответ: -has just finished -just has finished -has just been finishing -had just finished 11.заполните пропуски в предложении. ann asked the worker since when … at this factory? выберите один ответ: -he had been worked -has he been working -he had been working -have you been working 12.заполните пропуски в предложении. by the 5-th of july ann … her new text-book. выберите один ответ: -will have written -will be writing -will write -will have been writing 13.заполните пропуски в предложении. he asked us … since early morning? we answered that we … for the examination. выберите один ответ: -what had you been doing here, have been preparing -what you have been doing there, have prepared -what we had been doing there, had been preparing -what have you been doing here, had prepared 14.заполните пропуски в предложении. by friday we … for two days. выберите один ответ: -shall walk -shall have walked -shall be walking -shall have been walking 15.заполните пропуски в предложении. … at this company since 2007? выберите один ответ: -she has been working -has she been working -was she working -has she worked 16.заполните пропуски в предложении. what … here since early morning? – i … for my examination. выберите один ответ: -you have been doing, was preparing -have you been doing, have been preparing -you have done, have prepared -have you done, have been preparing 17.заполните пропуски в предложении. she … english in 1991. выберите один ответ: -begins teaching -began teaching -begun teaching -has begun teaching 18.заполните пропуски в предложении. ann … the newspaper since five o'clock. выберите один ответ: -was reading -has been reading -has read -have read 19.заполните пропуски в предложении. when the meeting …, they … here yet. выберите один ответ: -will be staring, will have been come -will start, will have been coming -starts, will have come -start, will be coming 20.заполните пропуски в предложении. before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months. выберите один ответ: -will go, will have been trained -will have gone, will have been training -go, will train -go, will have been training 21.заполните пропуски в предложении. i … a lot of books lately. выберите один ответ: -have read -have been reading -was reading -read 22.заполните пропуски в предложении. he … . выберите один ответ: -already has come -have been already coming -has come already -has already come 23.заполните пропуски в предложении. before ann … for spain we … at the project for 14 days. выберите один ответ: -will leave, will be working -will have left, will have worked -leaves, shall have been working -leave, will have been working 24.заполните пропуски в предложении. by the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years. выберите один ответ: -will have worked -will work -will have been working -will been working 25.заполните пропуски в предложении. next year he… here. выберите один ответ: -will not work -will not works -will not have been working -will not be working

. 3

Пошаговый ответ

08.07.2020, проверен экспертом
Разблокировать ответ
1. He asks how long … at this company. she has been working
2. Tom said that his wife … . had already come
3. How long … for my brother? have you been waiting
4. By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning. -get, will have been playing
5. Since when … at this factory? have you been working
6. The specialist said that he … English in 1991. had begun learning
7. Tom asked if … for his brother. we had been waiting
8. The students say that … a lot of books lately. they have read
9. Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock. had been reading
10. She … the work. has just finished
11. Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory? he had been working
12. By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book. will have written
13. He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination. what we had been doing there, had been preparing
14. By Friday we … for two days. shall have been walking
15. … at this company since 2007? has she been working
16. What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination. have you been doing, have been preparing
17. She … English in 1991. began teaching
18. Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock. has been reading
19. When the meeting …, they … here yet. starts, will have come
20. Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months. go, will have been training
21. I … a lot of books lately. have read
22. He … . has already come
23. Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days. leaves, shall have been working
24. By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years. will have been working
25. Next year he… here. will not work

Другие вопросы по предмету

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

1) What are you doing now?
2)How much is it?
3)Who plays football?
4)When do you must visit your grandmother?
5)Are you reading book now?
6)Where do you live?
7)Is he drinking coke now?
8)Why are you walking now?

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

Вред не означает повреждение . Я встаю рано всю свою жизнь и это не плохо.Ваши слова не приятны, они задевают меня. Большой вред был причинен огнем в году. Поджечь. Огонь - условие горения. Она боится огня. Опасность пожара в старом деревянном доме очень велика. Никто не знает, кто поджигал дом. Сохранять что-то чистым, означает продолжать быть чистым. Содержите свое рабочее место в чистоте. Если Вы не чистите зубы, это причинит вам вред.

Английский язык Английский язык
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P Ответ дал Студент

has got    hasnot got  hasn`t got

is            is not         isn`t

Английский язык Английский язык
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P Ответ дал Студент

 I am Rocky.I am the best parrot in the world.  I am very beautiful. I am very clever

I am not  white and black. I am vey bright. I am not big but too pretty

I can  fly. jump. sing. speak Endlish and Spain and ride a bike

But I can*t  keep silence (молчать) I can*t swim well.

I like   to eat fruit. I like to win "The Best Parrot"

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

Do you like when it is raining?

My teacher does not like when I come late.

My mother likes when it is warm.

I do not like when he speaks so aloud.

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

i like watching cartoons. i think cartoons develop our mind. cartoons are very interesting too. that's why many children like watching cartoons. when i was a child my favoutite cartoon was "Winnie the pooh". and now i still like this cartoon. i advice everybody to see cartoons because it's realy interesting!

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

1A - How often do you go to the disco? (Как часто ты ходишь на дискотеку?)

2A - Are there supermarkets in your town? (Есть в твоем городе супермаркеты?)

[ответ переводится как "Супермаркеты? Их нет в моем городе", как-то так].

3A -Whose T-shirt is this [или "is it"]? (Чья это футболка?)

[ответ переводится как "Эта футболка? Это моего брата" (ибо brother's - пртяжательный падеж).]

4A - When did she get home on Sunday? (Когда она вернулась домой в воскресенье?)

Английский язык Английский язык
Пошаговый ответ
P Ответ дал Студент

Какие популярные изобретения 20-го века упоминаются в тексте? 
