Нужно к тексту задать 30 вопросов if you ask people in russia where they are going for the weekend in summer, the answer will probably be, "to the dacha".the dacha is a special place for people who live in cities or towns. for different people, it also means different kinds of activities. some enjoy fishing or swimming in a nearby river, others prefer mushroom hunting or walking in the wood's to enjoy nature. for many people, the weekend is not complete without sweating in their banya or bath house. not long ago, the main activity for dacha owners was growing fruit, vegetables and flowers in their kitchen gardens. today, however, people don't have kitchen gardens, they have lawn with playgrounds and barbecue areas. the fact is that young people and children prefer to relax in the fresh air, go cycling or play with their friends rather than help their parents cultivate the land and do the weeding.

. 3

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08.07.2020, проверен экспертом
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What will people in Russia answer if you ask them where they are going for the weekend in summer?
Where do the Russian people usually go at the weekends in summer?
Do the Russian or English people usually spend their weekends in the dacha?
Who prefers to spend the weekend in the dacha?
The dacha is a special place for people who live in cities or towns, isn't it?
What is the dacha?
Is dacha a place for different kinds of activities?
What do people do in the dacha?
Some people enjoy fishing in a nearby river, don't they?
Do some people prefer swimming to fishing?
Why do some people like to walk in the wood?
Do all people like mushroom hunting?
Who prefers mushroom hunting or walking in the wood's to enjoy nature?
For many people, the weekend is not complete without sweating in their banya, is it?
Does "banya" mean bath house?
What isn't the weekend complete without for many people?
Do all dacha owners like sweating in their banyas?
What was the main activity for dacha owners not long ago ?
The main activity for dacha owners is growing fruit, vegetables and flowers in their kitchen gardens, isn't it?
Where did dacha owners grow fruit, vegetables and flowers not long ago?
Who grew fruit, vegetables and flowers in the kitchen gardens?
Do people have kitchen gardens today?
Dacha owners have lawns with playgrounds and barbecue areas now, don't they?
What do people have in their dachas instead of kitchen gardens?
Are there lawns with playgrounds and barbecue areas or kitchen gardens in the dachas now?
What do young people and children prefer to do in the fresh air?
Young people and children prefer to work in the fresh air, don't they?
Do young people and children help their parents cultivate the land?
Who enjoys going cycling or playing with the friends?
Young people and children don't like to help their parents cultivate the land and do the weeding, do they?

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написать письмо вашему другу по переписке abroad.Tell ему / ей, что твое место славится.

Тебе же надо было перевести???

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A) - 2

Canadian flag has a red stripe on either side of the white central part with a red maple leaf on it.

B) - 6

About 80% of Canada’s population...

C) - 1

Hockey is Canada’s most popular game.

D) - 4

Canada’s wealth comes from natural resources, farming, ranching, fishing, and tourism

E) - 5

It is covered in mountains, prairies, thick forests desert and bad lands.

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1. The Smiths' had their roof repaired.

2. Molly will have her room decorated next month.

3. Our neighbours are having a new garage built at the moment.

4. I have my teeth checked once a year.

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to feel pain - hurt

-to be cooked in hot oil or butter - fry

-having a bad taste - tasteless

-clear and certain - definite

-in a definite way - properly

-to sit on a horse or other animal and be carried along by it - ride

-not hard - soft/hard

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I love going to the movies and watch different movies .My favorite genres-horror, this is very exciting for me ,but also I like fantasy.I like different kinds of films, because each of them is very interesting and impresses me.Horror movies, so passionately loved by many of us, are intended to scare the audience, call it fear and anxiety. In the event of these tapes is usually the expectation and excitement is accompanied by a slight turn of events, the appearance of horrible monsters or walking dead..I like horror, that some of them: Mirrors, Home on the contrary, the Chamber.These films have a lot of computer graphics and special effects.

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"Тысячи подростков страдают избыточным весом, - говорит администратор санатория Мистер Вайт, - многие подростки часто не знают как питаться правильно и оставаться здоровыми, как Карена". Карене было 13 лет.Она весила 110 кг и была ростом 1м 55см. Карен обычно ела большую миску овсянки с несколькими ложками сахара на завтрак. В школе она всегда покупала шоколад на перемене и во время ланча она ела жареного цыпленка и жареный картофель.  Во время ужина Карена обычно ела много жареной еды, и она часто съедала пакет печенья или коробку шоколадных конфет перед телевизором. Иногда она покупала Китайскую еду или пицу перед тем, как ложиться спать. Карена никогда не ела фрукты и очень редко свежие овощи. Ее основное упражнение было - переключать телевизионные каналы или открывание дверцы холодильника. Санаторий Карене с ее диетой и с планом занятий. Сейчас она ест много фруктов и овощей и постоянно ходит плавать - до этого она никогда не занималась спортом, поэтому она всегда беспокоилась о своем размере. Сейчас она весит 60 кг и все еще теряет вес. Мистер Вайт говорит:"Подростки часто приходят в санаторий подавленные и неуверенные. Когда они покидают нас, они обычно счастливие и намного уверенее в себе".

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Finally the sun appeared in the sky.(Наконец-то в небе появилось солнце)

I`m very interested in learning the story of my country. (Я очень заинтересован в изучении истории своей страны)

There are a lot of islands in the ocean. (Существует много островов в мировом океане)

My grandmother has the house in the settlement.( У моей бабушки есть дом в поселке (городского типа))

There were five rounds in the fighting.(В поединке было 5 раундов)

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Не читается. Или, как ее еще называют "немая e"

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Люди верят,что англичане все время говорят о погоде

Люди думают , что англичане не особо жалуют пермены

Люди считают, что англичане не очень хороши в изучении иностранных языков

Говрят,что англичане не тратят много денег на одежду

Люди верят,что шотландцы бережливо относятся к деньгам

Люди думают , что ирландцы много болтают

Люди считают,что ирландцы - сладкоежки ,они любят торты,шоколад и конфеты

Дюди знают,что англичане не любят показывать чувства