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07.05.2023, проверен экспертом
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A time you cheated

A time you cheated
I'm going to talk about a time when I cheated in an exam, It happened when I was in secondary school. I used to have good marks, but one day on a history exam I was very nervous and I got in blank. I faked a throbbing pain in my stomach, I simulated I was going to vomit and inmediatelly the teacher gave me permission for go to the bathroom, I was thinking what to doand some minutes later he sent a classmate to care me, I thought: 'It's my oportunity!' , I guess the classmate the begining of the lesson but she was nervous too , and she wasn´t very helpfuly. Hopeless I returned to the class, and talked with the teacher, I told him the pain continue and he was kind and let me do the exam next day. I remember I was studying hard all the evening.
FInally I got a good mark, but It was a good lesson for non relied and always study hard.

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There are a lot of holidays. My favorite holiday is a New Year! I celebrated it with my friends! They got me a lot of presents - books, cd-disks and sweets. At the New Year's morning i ate sweets and sung songs. I gave some presents to my friend ИМЯ. She was glad to see this present. It is pretty happy holiday! I missed this, but i know - next New Year will be more funny, then this! I will celebrate it with my best friends. They are loves me and i love their. I I congratulating all people, who listening me now with this excellent feast. I love this holiday! Winter story.

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My English teacher is very good. She is kind, sweet, smart and beautiful. From her I learned a lot of new things. Thanks to her, I know English. She's like a second mother.

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If I had a million dollars

When I was ten, a friend of mine asked me what I would do if I had a million dollars. I immediately said that I would buy the best computer and the coolest telephone and then travel the world and buy ice-cream for all my friends. Now I have been asked this question again and I do not have a ready answer.

There is only one thing that I know for sure — I would give some part of the money to my parents and I would donate some other part to charity. As for the remaining money I am not so sure. Older and wiser people say that it is silly to spend it and that the best decision is to either invest it in a business with a strong reputation or keep it in a bank account and earn interest. It is a sensible decision but some part of me disagrees.

I might seem a foolish person, but even after thinking it over I would like to use this money to be happy and to make other people happy now and not in some distant future. That is why I would spend the remaining money on travelling with my family or friends and on cool gadgets and clothes for me and my family.

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В субботу я хожу гулять, а потом играю дома.

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1. Does the teacher tell you to go home because it’s late? – общий вопрос.

2. Does the teacher tell you to go home or stay here? – альтернативный.

3. The teacher tells you to go home because it’s late, doesn’t he? – разделительный.

4. What does the teacher tell you to do? – специальный.

5. Who tells you to go home because it’s late? – вопрос к подлежащему.  

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I live in a big house. We live on the second floor. There  are 3 rooms in our flat: a living room. a bedroom - my parent*s room and my room.  My room  is not big but very comfortable. We have a bathroom. a lavatory (toilet) . a kitchen and a big balcony

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1. Who has  made you do this? I'm sure it wasn't your idea!

2. Dad never  let  me use his car alone. He says it is illegal.

3. When does Mary expect  her friends to come to visit her?

4. Alice hid herself in the bushes. She  watched  her brother leave the house and then followed him.

5. Nobody expected the dog to find its family after three months of travelling across the country.

6. Diana is a good singer.— Have you  heard  her sing?

7. Her family wanted  her to become a doctor, but she chose to be a teacher instead.



1. What  made you play this stupid joke? — Alex made me  do it.

2. I saw Mary jump into the river.— She did it to  impress her friends.

3. This is a great present to  receive.— Mum helped me to  choose it.

4. Why don't you let your son  make his own decisions? — We are sending him abroad to  learn English and that's final.

5. We heard Father  open the door and  come in. Then we watched him enter the room. He was so happy  to  be home again. Mother went to get him something to eat.

6. Alice didn't want to leave. She was made  do so.

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Now nested dolls do in various workshops.
At first select a suitable kind of wood. Because of softness basically choose a linden, is more rare an alder or a birch. Trees usually cut down in the early spring, remove a bark, but not completely that during drying wood didn't give cracks. Then logs store and dry within several years in well ventilated place.
It is necessary to start wood processing when it not dry, but also not the crude. Each preparation passes more than ten operations. The smallest doll — not folding — do by the first.
When "babe" is ready, start the following figure into which the first will enter. Preparation of necessary height is processed and cut on the top and bottom parts. The first the bottom part becomes. Then delete wood from within both parts of the second doll so that the smaller doll was densely inserted inside. Then process repeats for a doll бо́льшего the size into which two will enter previous and etc. the Quantity of dolls can be various.
In the process conclusion each doll cover with an oil varnish. After definitive drying and polishing the artist starts a coloring. As paints it is used both gouache, and oil paints.                                                          

Сейчас матрёшки делают в различных мастерских.

Сначала подбирают подходящий вид древесины. Из-за мягкости в основном выбирают липу, реже ольху или берёзу. Деревья обычно срубают ранней весной, снимают кору, но не полностью, чтобы во время сушки древесина не давала трещин. Затем бревна складируют и сушат в течение нескольких лет в хорошо вентилируемом месте.

К обработке древесины необходимо приступать тогда, когда она не сухая, но и не сырая. Каждая заготовка проходит более десятка операций. Самую маленькую куклу — неразборную — делают первой.

Когда «малышка» готова, приступают к следующей фигурке, в которую войдёт первая. Заготовка необходимой высоты обрабатывается и разрезается на верхнюю и нижнюю части. Первой делается нижняя часть. Затем удаляют древесину изнутри обеих частей второй куклы так, чтобы меньшая кукла плотно вставлялась внутрь. Потом процесс повторяется для куклы бо́льшего размера, в которую войдут две предыдущие и т. д. Количество кукол может быть различным.

В заключении процесса каждую куклу покрывают масляным лаком. После окончательной сушки и полировки художник приступает к раскраске. В качестве красок используется как гуашь, так и масляные краски.

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1. What is the friend*s name ?

2. Has Paul got a small or large family ?

3. What kind of family has Paul got ?          

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If you are unhealthy only you responsible for it.Your health is your problem.You must protecy youself,Of couse,you can say that you healt depends on the environment.But our enviroment is polluted by people,by your.And you must go to the hospital not only if you have pain.You must eat   fresh vegetables and fruit.It is very importmant.