
13. The sentence with the Infinitive A) Who was fond of drawing comics? B) The children cut out pictures from the magazine. C) He wants to change his job. D) They are dreaming about their vacation. E) She picked up the parcel and opened it. 14. The antonym of "good" A) easy B) calm C) nice D) bad E) hard 15. Construction "be going to" I... visit my parents on Sunday. A) are going to B) am going to C) were going to D) is going to E) has going to 16. Correct Reported question "Will you be free tomorrow, Jane?" she asked. A) She asked Jane would she be free the next day. B) She asked Jane if she would be free the next day. C) She asked Jane if you are free tomorrow. D) She asked Jane if she is free tomorrow. E) She asked Jane if she will be free tomorrow. 17. Complete the sentence The famous sport complex Medeu is situated near A) Petropavlovsk B) Borovoye C) Nur-Sultan D) Pavlodar E) Almaty 18. The appropriate verb form He enjoyed... computer games at first but after a while he got bored with them. A) playing B) play C) having played D) to play E) played 19. The sentence with Gerund A) She is writing a letter now. B) Go on reading the text. C) Pupils write many exercises at the lesson. D) They are sitting at the desks writing the test. E) The letter was written yesterday. 20. The meaning of phrasal verb "to look up" A) to examine someone B) to learn something C) to search for a piece of information D) to take care of someone E) to follow somebody

. 14

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17.04.2023, проверен экспертом
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13. C) He wants to change his job. (has the infinitive "to change")

14. D) bad

15.B) am going to

16.B) She asked Jane if she would be free the next day.

17. E) Almaty

18. A) playing

19. D) They are sitting at the desks writing the test. (has the gerund "writing")

20. C) to search for a piece of information

Другие вопросы по предмету

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1.She was the last Monarch of the House of Habsburg and technically (through marriage) the first of this current House of Windsor (even though her grandson would be the one to change his last name) from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor. Queen Elizabeth proclaimed she would retain her last name, and so would those who took the Throne after her.

Queen Victoria started the tradition of wearing White on her wedding day. She was trying to show her people how frugal and thrifty she was by not dying her gown a fancy color.

She is the name we give to an "Age" and to an "architectural style of home." Victorian.'

She had her husbands clothes laid out and his meals set for him everyday until her death. She wore black for the rest of her life.

She had Queen Mary (Princess May of Teck, her 1st cousins daughter) engaged to her son. When he died before the marriage, she then engaged her to her other descendant, George V. Queen Mary is the current Queen's Grandmother.

She started Torchwood. (Just kidding).

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It's as big as a house.

Cat's aren't as big as lions.

I'm not brave enough!

Some crocodiles are too big to catch in this way.


The monkey is too short.

It isn't tall enough.

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Straight edge

Straight edge (English a way straight, in abbreviated form sXe) — more philosophical branch of pank culture, movement or is faster a way of life which characteristic features are full refusal of drugs (including legal alcohol and tobacco), legibility in sexual communications, and also political views, characteristic to all pank movement.
Whence they undertook

Initially arisen in the environment of American the punk rock of executors as the appeal against popularisation of an image ‘ the dirty eternally not drying out punk ’, Straight edge has quickly turned to the etiko-world outlook movement putting on the first place idea of self-checking and a personal liberty, and in the beginning 80 became enough распространным a choice among the American punks, especially in Washington and Boston where very powerful hardcores-scenes were formed. To the middle 80 this culture has extended and for limits of States though prior to the beginning of 90 big distributions on other continents has not received.

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1. They haven’t yet come from the south.  

2. He was ill last week, but now he has recovered.  

3. If everybody has read this new novel, let's discuss it.  

4. Have you booked tickets? — Yes, I have. I booked them several days ago.  

5. I can hardly recognize you. I have not seen you since you left for Moscow. And you have changed so much.  

6. Have you read all the books on this shelf?  

7. I haven’t seen my cousin since last year.  

8. Why have you put these things in the wrong place?  

9. Why have you left the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught.  10. "We haven’t met for such a long time!" said my friend. "Yes, indeed," I answered, "and we both have grown."

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1. They  read  many books. PRESENT SIMPLE

2. Do they  read  many books?.PRESENT SIMPLE

3.They  do not read many books.PRESENT SIMPLE

4 The children  are eating soup now. PRESENT CONTINUOUS

5.Are the children eating soup now? PRESENT CONTINUOUS

6. The children  are not eating soup now.PRESENT CONTINUOUS

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1. Listen to the teacher. 2. Do not run at recess. 3. Do not get up in class without permission. 4. Learn. 5. Do not be rude to teachers. 6. Perform homework. 7. Do not row classmates.

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 I love autumn/ In autumn is warm, but rainy. I like to play football, ride skate and a bike. But I don't like to go to school. Summer is over and it is autumn again, beautiful as ever. It is a season when the trees are simply fantastic — yellow, red, green and brown, not just one brown, but browns of all possible shades: light brown, dark brown, yellowish brown and all of a richness that only an artist can see and describe. Still very warm, but it is already sad from a smell of the left summer, multilayered, prjano-sourish. Trees dump the foliage burnt for a summer. It seems that trunks darken, they have got tired and wish to sleep. Unruly small spiders with improbable speed spin webs, and you, without seeing, break their traps. 

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Angliya (English England [ˈɪŋɡ lənd]) — the largest historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the country (country) in its structure, occupying a southeast part of the big island Great Britain known as for English mainland. The population of England makes 83 % from total number of the population of Great Britain.

England association became no time conflicting counties in 927 and takes the name from англов, one of the German tribes which located there in the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England — London, the biggest city in Great Britain and the European union.

England — a place of an origin of English and Anglican church, and the English legislation forms a basis of legal systems of many countries; besides, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country — the birthplace of Industrial revolution. England was the first industrialized country in the world, and also the country with parliamentary democracy, the constitutional, governmental and which legal innovations were adopted by other nations and the countries.

The kingdom England, including the principality Wales, was the separate state till May 1 1707 when united with Scotland to the Kingdom Great Britain.

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1. They were in Paris last Saturday.

2. How long have you known Jane?

3. We haven't done homework yet.

4. He has been waiting to see the doctor since nine o'clock.

5. Mary isn't home. She's gone to work.

6. I've run in the park for 2 hours, I'm so tired.

7. Nobody has chosen for this posotion so far.

8. They have't been speaking for each other since two years. 

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at seven oclock fifteen minutes

at seven oclock forty-five minutes

at eight oclock thirty minutes

at nine oclock

at ten oclock forty-five minutes

at eleven oclock forty minutes

at twelve oclock ten minutes

at twelve oclock fifti minutes