
Правильно составить предложения. 1) in/seldom/they/tennis/winter/play 2) time/he/on/always/his/come/to/does/classes? 3)bed/does/time/to/go/what/he/usually? 4) sitting/jack/on/beach/ice-cream/is/the/eating. 5) london/it/how/to/far/warsaw/from/is? 6)is/ann/this/room/kate's/and?

. 16

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01.10.2020, проверен экспертом
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1. They seldom play tennis in winter.
2. Does he always come to his classes on time? 
3. What time does he usually go to bed?
4. Jack is sitting on the beach eating ice-cream. Jack is eating ice-cream sitting on the beach.
5. How far is it from Warsaw to London? How far is it from London to Warsaw?
6. Is this room Ann and Kate's?

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I will try to lead small excursion on our apartment for you.

So, having entered into apartment, we appear in a spacious hall. At the left there is a case and a hanger for clothes, and on the right - a curbstone and a mirror. There and then near to one party an input in kitchen, with another - doors in a bedroom of parents and a children's room.

In a children's room it is light and spacious, there is an exit on a loggia. We manage here with the brother together. In our bedroom there are two beds. The left corner occupies clothes, nearby - a case for toys and books. By the way, at us fine children's library, in it very interesting books are collected. Too it is a lot of toys - my brother still small.

On the right party along a wall stand a curbstone for the tape recorder and the TV, a desk behind which I do homework, I draw. To tell the truth, on my desk the disorder quite often reigns, and mum is sometimes angry at me for it.

Over a table - book shelves where there are my textbooks, and also volumes from a series «Children's encyclopaedia» which I sometimes like to esteem. On one of shelves I have allocated a place for a corner where has collected various bagatelles for memory of a trip on the sea: beautiful stones, sea cockleshells, souvenirs. I all it has arranged so that every morning, having opened eyes, I could admire beauty which reminds me that soon again there will come summer, and we all family will go again to the tender and warm sea.

Now you represent, as our apartment looks. Come to us on a visit - and you will see, how at us is pure and cosy.

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напиши о том как детёныши животных растут

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1)What is Jim going to eat?

2)Who saw an old friend last week?

3)Has Tom got a computer?

4)How often does Jane clean the room ?

5)Where does he work?

6)When did you leave your  school?

7)How often does Jill go to the cinema?

8)How old have you been a teacher?

9)What is Mike going to cut?

10)Who saw his grandfather yesterday?

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Моя мама работает в музее. Я очень часто прихожу к ней на работу. Я люблю бродить по тихим залам музея,  по долгу рассматривать экспонаты... И мечтать... В моих мечтах я представляю, что залы музея полны посетителями. Людям очень интересно прикоснуться к узнать то, о чем никогда даже раньше и не догадывались! А я уже выросла и работаю экскурсоводом в этом музее. И посетителям очень интересно послушать мой рассказ о произведениях искуств, о  событиях, произошедших когда-то давным давно.

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1. This evening I’m going to write some/ a few letters.

2. I haven’t got my camera, so I can’t take any photos.

3. Do you speak any foreign languages?

4. Yesterday I went to a restaurant with some friends of mine.

5. Can I have some milk in my coffee, please?

6. The radio isn’t working. There aren’t any batteries in it.

7. There was little traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long.

8. It was a surprise that he won the match , few people expected him to win.

9. I don’t know much Spanish – only a few words.

10. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you some advice.

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1. I'm  painting a picture.    

2. I'm  driving a car.         
3. I'm  watching TV

4. I'm  playing game.

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1.I like to sit on the sofa in my room.
2.we went to the garden.
3.tony gets up at 7 o'clock.
4on Sunday he usually get up at half past 9.
5.the school year begins on the 1st of september.
6.my friend lives in the north.
7.it was hot and we went to the sea

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-I do not want to sit back.


-Я не хочу сидеть сзади.


-Then let's switch to the girls.


-Тогда давай поменяемся с девчонками.


-Dare! If so clever...


-Дерзай! Если такая умная...


-Well, I'll go and ask.


-Хорошо, пойду и по Кира:

-А, не легче в кассе поменять на свободные билеты?


-No, i want sit closer.


-Нет, я хочу ближе сидеть.


-No, noah!


-Не ной!


-What?!I want those tickets, I want to!


-Что?! Я хочу те билеты, хочу!

Clari brought the tickets.

Клэри принесла билеты.


-Here are your tickets.


-Вот твои билеты.






-That's nice, let's go look.


-Вот и славно, пошли смотреть.





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1. The ship went to GUinea when the main character landed on the island. - Корабль шел в Гвинею, когда главный герой оказался на острове.

3. Robinson CrUsoe Landed on the island on the 30th Of September in 1659. - Робинзон Крузо оказался на берегу острова 30 сентября 1659 года.