
Вставьте артикль 1. i bought new hat yesterday. shop-assistant said it was latest style. 2. i want to ask you to accompany rne to shop. i must buy dress. 3. where did you buy this overcoat? — i bought it at big store in nevsky prospect on tuesday. 4. my sister bought blue hat on wednesday. colour suits her very nicely as she has got blue eyes. 5. i must buy pair of new gloves. 6. where is shoe department? — it is on third floor, 7. i think coat is a little tight. 8. we came to big store to find out if we could have suit made to order. 9. i don't like hat you have chosen. colour is not becoming to you. 10. here is department of ready-made clothes. let's go in and see if we can buy nice pair of trousers for you. 11. i am going to give him tie as birthday present.

. 2

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01.10.2020, проверен экспертом
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1. I bought a new hat yesterday. The shop-assistant said it was the latest style.
2. I want to ask you to accompany me to the shop. I must buy a dress.
3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at a big store in Nevsky Prospect on Tuesday.
4. My sister bought a blue hat on  Wednesday. The colour suits her very nicely as she has got --- blue eyes.
5. I must buy a pair of --- new gloves.
6. Where is a shoe department? — It is on the third floor.
7. I think the coat is a little tight.
8. We came to a big store to find out if we could have a suit made to order.
9. I don't like the hat you have chosen. The colour is not becoming to you.
10. Here is the department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy a nice pair of --- trousers for you.
11. I am going to give him a tie as a birthday present.
Разблокировать ответ
1. I bought a new hat yesterday. The shop-assistant said it was the latest style. 2. I want to ask you to accompany me to the shop. I must buy a dress. 3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at a big store in Nevsky Prospect on - Tuesday. 4. My sister bought a blue hat on - Wednesday. The colour suits her very nicely as she has got - blue eyes. 5. I must buy a pair of - new gloves. 6. Where is the shoe department? — It is on the third floor, 7. I think the coat is a little tight. 8. We came to a big store to find out if we could have a suit made to order. 9. I don't like the hat you have chosen. The colour is not becoming to you. 10. Here is the department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy a nice pair of - trousers for you. 11. I am going to give him a tie as a birthday present.

Другие вопросы по предмету

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1. Have you painted the house door?

2. Has the waiter laid the table for us yet?

3. Why has Garry spent so much money on fuel again?

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HE - Tim, Tom, Nick. (cуществительные в ед. ч. мужского рода, кроме животных и предметов).

SHE - Kate, queen, Jess, Ann,Jane. (cуществительные в ед. ч. женского рода, кроме животных и предметов).

IT - clock, box, hen,tennis, hat. (cуществительные в ед. ч.- животные и неодушевленные предметы).

THEY - ducks, pens, foxes. (любые существительные во множественном числе).


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1)When will the work been done?

2)What will have been done tomorrow by 10 o'clock?

3)Will the work been done tomorrow by 10 o'clock?

4)Will the work been done tomorrow by 10 or by 11 o'clock?

5)The work will have been done tomorrow by 10 o'clock,won't it?

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Это означает, что ученый не тот, кто много знает, а тот кто правильно формулирует вопрос. То есть умен тот, кто задает правильные вопросы, а не отвечает на них. (Дословно переводится как мне!Ученый не тот, кто дает правильные ответы, он тот, кто задает правильные вопросы)

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1. It is spring now.

2. Yes, it is. ИЛИ No, it is not.

3. It is cold and snowy.

4. It is warm and sunny.

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1.What do you do/are you doing this weekend,Jane?
2.Well, I have/am having lunch with my brother,and then we go/are going to a concert.
3.Really? How do you get/are you going there?
4. By bus. And the only one bus leaves/is leaving here at 10 o'clock.
5. What time does the concert start/is the concert starting?
6. Well, we meet/are meeting some friends at the concert hall at 4 o'clock and the concert actually begins/is actually beginning at 6.15

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There are many important events that are  celebrated in the U.S.A. but the most important event is the Day of Independence which is celebrated every year on July 4th. It is federal holiday which commemorates the Declaration of Independence. It began to be celebrated  since 1776. The American people got their independence from Great Britain. During that period of time, the president of the U.S. was general George Washington. Usually this day associates with parades, concerts, games and political speeches. It is the most favourite day of Americans, during the year. 

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if i were the president of ukraine i would try to improve the life of our people and raise authority of our country among other countries in the world.

it is necessary to get equal rights regarding women and men in actual fact, to elaborate and to fulfil all essential social, cultural and political measures which are really capable of securing these rights. female intellect and potentialities are huge resource which has not been entirely appreciated at its true value. women are kinder by nature then men. they stabilize the society introducing the sensation of happiness and calmness to it. they are more prudent and responsible, and that is why power is in need of them.

if i were the president, i would define the following purposes:

• increase in a living standard and well-being of citizens of our country;

• guarantee of fast and steady economic growth due to activization of research-and-production and mental potential of the country,

• increase in competitiveness and modernization of national economy;

• guarantee of executions of legislation and increase in efficiency of law-enforcement and judicial systems;

• liquidation of national security threat on the basis of modernization of armed forces, increase in efficiency of national defense;

• struggle against the organized crime, including annihilation of drug-dealing, illegal exploitation of children and women and etc.;

• to take care about children who have remained without care of parents, overcoming of children`s homelessness by development of a network of the state, church and family children`s homes and shelters and etc.