2. Look at the sentences from the text in Lesson 2 and choose the correct option to complete the statements below. The painting was originally called The Blue Cloak or The Folly of the World indicating that Bruegel must have intended not just to illustrate proverbs, but rather to illustrate the universal stupidity of man. Bruegel might have revealed the absurdity of humans, as shown through his painting. Experts must have been working really hard on identifying the proverbs, but some of them have been lost to history. We use must + have + V3 when we are (1) certain/uncertain about situations in the (2) past/present/future. We use might + have + V3 when we are (3) certain/uncertain about situations in the (4) past/present/future. We use must/might/could/may + have + been + Ving when we talk about an action that could have happened (5) continuously/briefly over a period of time in the past. 95

. 19

Другие вопросы по предмету

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1)she has got  long black hair , big blue eyes , a little nose and  nice ears.

2)in winter there is a lot of  snow.

3) spring come after the winter .

4)winter is the coldest season.

5) English celebrate a new year in  winter.

1)where was he at last summer?

2)where will she go for the next summer?

3) water in the black sea is clean.

4)Greens visited  london on last sunday.

5)have a good holiday!

где нужны были артикли там и поставила) 

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что ты делал в 6 часов вечера вчера?

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They have got some tea.

Do you want some bread?

In Italy pasta is very popular.

Most British people like fish and chips.

Vegetables are good for your health.

In Ireland children eat potatoes and milk for dinner.

Some kind of food give children strength to work and play.

We often drink tea in the morning.

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my favorite music. What is it? it is amazing! and always different! I am a music lover. But most of all I love good old rock style. oh yeah, he is beautiful! on my mobile phone ringtone is Ozzy Osbourne. Even when I'm worried or do not know how to cope with the situation, I'm humming to himself, or Ozzy Osbourne's "Scorpion". This music calms me and helps find the right solution. but in general, music in my life is a great place. the most important place! without music, I would die.

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Has she got beautiful children? Общий
She has got beautiful children,hasn't she? Разделительный
Has she got beautiful children or friends? Альтернативный
Whom has she got? Специальный
Who has got beautiful children? Вопрос к подлежащему
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My favourite TV programme is "Crocodile". In my opinion the "Crocodile" the most interesting and cheeful game on the television. The presenters of tthis programme have become Olga Shelest and Timur Rodriges. The participants of the show must think a word with the help of gestures and mimicry. The team which gets more points is a winner.

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Nikita is riding his bike

 Your friend is    making a bed

They  aren't playing volleball now

 You are writing sentences

The parents are  listening to her music

The girl  isn't doing  her homework now

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It not to be pleasant to me when scatter garbage and walk dogs at a playground.It is necessary to address to the person with a request.

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Если с украинского,на русский то Государственная Итоговая Атестация.

На англ. переводиться как:State Total Certification