
с T/F По английскому Школьная программа 11 класс карпюк 2019г
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01.04.2023, проверен экспертом
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True. The text says: “The European Union is a partnership that allows people and products to move freely around member states.”

False. The text says: “As a result of the referendum, British Prime Minister David Cameron decided to resign.”

False. The text says: “It is important to remember that the UK did not formally leave the EU after the Brexit referendum.” and “The country prepares to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.”

True. The text says: “British citizens may face some restrictions when living in the EU.” and “It is possible, for example, that British and EU citizens will be allowed to visit each other for up to 90 days without needing a visa.”

True. The text says: “The country prepares to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.”


Другие вопросы по предмету

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i will stay at home if it rains this afternoon

я останусь дома, если сегодня после полудня пойдет дождь

If my brother goes abroad, I will be very worried

если мой брат поедет заграницу, я буду сильно волноваться

You won't earn enough money if you don't work more hours

ты не заработаешь достаточно денег, если не будешь работать больше времени

Melissa won't be able to go out later if she doesn't finish her homework

Мелисса не сможет выйти позже, если она не сделает домашнее задание

If I go to the supermarket later I will buy some tomatoes

если я пойду в супермаркет, я куплю несколько помидоров

Peter will get wet if he doesn't take an umbrella

Питер намокнет, если не возьмет зонт

If I will find the book you lent me I will give it back to you

если я найду книгу, которую ты мне одолжил, я верну ее тебе назад

They will be angry if we don't visit them next Saturday

они рассердятся, если мы не придем к ним в следующую субботу. Мы обещали пойти

What will happen if you don't go to work tomorrow?

что произойдет, если ты завтра не пойдешь на работу?

Many workers will lose their jobs if that factory closes down

многие рабочие потеряют работу, если фабрика закроется

I won't buy a bigger house if I don't get promoted at work

я не куплю дом побольше, если не получу повышение на работе

If he doesn't finish the vegetables he doesn't have a dessert

если он не съест овощи, он не получит десерт

My uncle will be able to go to the opera if he doesn't forget to get the tickets

мой дядя сможет пойти на оперу, если не забудет взять билеты

If you don't put sugar in your coffee it won't taste nice

если ты не положишь сахар в свой кофе, он не будет вкусным

Sandra if you don't hurry up you will be late for the meeting

Сандра, если ты не поторопишься, ты опоздаешь на собрание

Cristopher will be so happy if he finds the money he lost

Кристофер будет так счастлив, если найдет деньги, что он потерял

Your motorbike won't break down if the mechanic checks it

твой мотоцикл не сломается если механик его проверит

If you don't take an aspirin your headache won't disappear

если ты не примешь аспирин, твоя головная боль не исчезнет

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1. They haven’t yet come from the south.  

2. He was ill last week, but now he has recovered.  

3. If everybody has read this new novel, let's discuss it.  

4. Have you booked tickets? — Yes, I have. I booked them several days ago.  

5. I can hardly recognize you. I have not seen you since you left for Moscow. And you have changed so much.  

6. Have you read all the books on this shelf?  

7. I haven’t seen my cousin since last year.  

8. Why have you put these things in the wrong place?  

9. Why have you left the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught.  10. "We haven’t met for such a long time!" said my friend. "Yes, indeed," I answered, "and we both have grown."

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1. The book was bought yesterday

2. The game was played yesterday

3. The story was told

4. The fruit will be eaten

5. The dishes were washed

6. The room is decorated

7. The key was lost

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1)  I wish I knew more people and were not lonely.

2)  I wish I had a key.

3)  I wish Ann were here.

4)  I wish the weather were warm.

5)  I wish I didn't live in a big city.

6) I wish I could go to the party.

7)  I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow but stay in bed.

8) I wish my car had not  been  broken.

9) I wish I were lying on a beautiful sunny beach.

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You can buy a nice dress in the shop.

You can buy nicier dress in that shop. 

You can buy the niciest dress in this shop.


 -er, -est - cравнительная степень прилагательных

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1. I know musical genres: opera, pop, rock, jazz, tango, symphony, tango and pank. 2. They are interesting, interesting to listen to them, but they are guite different. 3. Violin, guitar, drums, bass guitar, saxophone. 4. Mozart, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Linkin Park, Anril Lavigne, Michaele Jackson. 5. My favourite genre are pop and rock. I like it.

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"Do you want to go to the country?" my wife asked me on Sunday. "I`d love to". I answered. We decided to go to - Kuskovo and got there at eleven in the morning. The weather was fine and we had a long walk in the park. We went back to the town at four in the afternoon. We had - dinner, and in the evening we went to the theatre. (We often go to the cinema or to the theatre on - Saturday or Surday). The play was very interesting and we liked it very much. Then we went - home. At - home we had - supper, played the game of - chess and went to - bed at 12 o`clock.

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Dear Rosy,

How are the things with your studies? I hope you are well.

A week ago we had our spring holidays. They were full of positive emotions and impressions. I always enjoy my holidays and try to spend them cheerfully.

I study very well at school so my teachers didn't give me much homework. I decided to have a real rest and do what I really like.

The weather was sunny and warm and it was great. At the beginning of the holidays my family and I went to visit our grandparents in the village. We had a picnic in the forest near their house. The sun was shining brightly, there wasn't any cloud in the sky. I took a lot of nice pictures of birds and spring flowers there.

When we came back home, I called my friends and every day we spent much time together. One day we went for a walk in the park, rode our bikes and flew the kites. The other day we went to the cinema to watch a nice cartoon, ate our favourite ice cream and popcorn. In the evenings I watched TV and helped my mum to cook dinner.

So my holidays were great.

Do you have holidays in spring? What do you like doing?

Best wishes,

(Ваше имя)

Дорогая Роузи,

Как у тебя дела с учебой? Я надеюсь, что с тобой все в порядке.

Неделю назад у нас были весенние каникулы. Они были полны положительных эмоций и впечатлений. Я всегда наслаждаюсь своими каникулами и стараюсь их весело провести.

Я очень хорошо учусь в школе, поэтому мои учителя не задали мне много домашнего задания. Я решила по-настоящему отдохнуть и заняться тем, что мне действительно нравится.

Погода была солнечной и теплой, и это было здорово. В начале каникул мы с семьей поехали в гости к бабушке и дедушке в деревню. У нас был пикник в лесу возле их дома. Ярко светило солнце, на небе не было облаков. Я сделала много красивых фотографий птиц и весенних цветов там.

Когда мы вернулись домой, я позвонила своим друзьям, и каждый день мы проводили много времени вместе. Однажды мы пошли гулять в парк, катались на велосипедах и запускали воздушных змеев. На днях мы пошли в кино, чтобы посмотреть хороший мультфильм, съели наше любимое мороженое и попкорн. По вечерам я смотрела телевизор и маме готовить ужин.

Так что мои каникулы были великолепны.

У тебя есть весенние каникулы? Что ты любишь делать?

С наилучшими пожеланиями,

(Ваше имя)

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1) I see a black tulip and a red tulip

2)Nick is a good pupil and Tom is a bad pupil / Tom is a good pupil and Nick is a bad pupil

3)Bob is not a good student, he is a bad student./ Bob is not a bad student, he is a good student.


 That's all!

 Good luck!

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1. Navruz Is celebrated In 21 march

4 our familycompletely clean  house, cook holiday diner and call on our friends and relatives.

Остальные не знаю