
Решите тесты1. i can do it … , thank you. a) myself b) herself c) yourself 2. he can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving …. a) ride b) park c) licence 3. i … there before. it’s a very nice museum. a) ‘ve go b) ‘ve been c) be 4. let me … your wrist with this bandage. a) wrap b) sprain c) break 5. when we got to the campsite we put … our tents. a) on b) into c) up 6. this film is quite … . a) bored b) boring c) bore 7. look at that boy! he … fall off his bike. a) is going to b) will c) is 8. bob is very …. he is an excellent teacher. a)funny b) patient c) noisy 9. i … at my mum’s shop next week. a) work b) worked c) am working 10. you … take photos in the museum. it’s not allowed! a) mustn’t b) must c) should 11. henry took the video game … to the shop because it wasn’t working. a) off b) back c) away 12. the boy … father is a dentist is my friend. a) whose b) which c) who 13. she … the house yesterday. a) is leaving b) left c) leaves 14. …. from the uk! a) greetings b) regards c) remarks 15. i … a new digital camera. i’m sure we’ll take nice pictures in it. a) haven’t bought b) have been buying c) have bought 16. when babies are happy, they … . a) would smile b) smile c) are smiling 17. i saw a … . that was very funny. а)thriller b) romance c) comedy 18. if we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species … extinct. a) will become b) become c) are becoming 19. we should take the children … for a walk. it’s a lovely day! a) out b) away c) off 20. i went to paris two years … . a)since b) before c) ago 1. the government is trying a variety of things to … pollution. a) burn b) reduce c) emit 2. if you’re tired, you should … some rest. a) put b) get c) have 3. if nick… a new computer, he will let us use it. a) buys b) bought c) is buying 4. mike is … pete. they will both do well in the exam. a) most clever b) cleverer than c) as clever as 5. i … my ankle and it really hurts. a) ‘ve been twisting b) ‘ve twisted c) ‘m twisting 6. you haven’t finished the task, … ? a) did you? b) haven’t you? c) have you? 7. my sister finished the exercise by … . nobody helped her. a) herself b) himself c) ourselves 8. i won’t do it … you ask me nicely. you must learn to be polite. a) if b) unless c) when 9. if you exercise regularly, you … have more energy. a) will b) won’t c) can’t 10. i ……a birthday party next week. it’ll be fun! a) are having b) is having c) am having 11. katy was doing her homework while suzie … a) was cooking b) cooks c) is cooking 12. boris …, took a shower and went to work. a) was getting up b) get up c) got up 13. the book … you are reading is very good. a) who b) what c) which 14. …… when you rang the doorbell? a) were they sleeping … b) did they sleep … c) are they sleeping … 15. documentaries are very … a) interest b) interested c) interesting 16. i was very …. to learn the results of our exams. a) interest b) interested c) interesting 17. he likes to hang … at the café with his friends. a) out b) in c) out 18. first she did the washing up, … she started her homework a) after b) as soon as c) then 19. they gave … kick-boxing because they got bored a) up b) away c) back 20. this is the girl …. won the swimming competition. a) which b) who c) whose

. 2

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08.07.2020, проверен экспертом
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1. I can do it … , thank you. a) myself
2. He can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving …. . c) licence
3. I … there before. It’s a very nice museum. b) ‘ve been 
4. Let me … your wrist with this bandage. a) wrap
5. When we got to the campsite we put … our tents. c) up
6. This film is quite … . b) boring
7. Look at that boy! He … fall off his bike. a) is going to
8. Bob is very …. . He is an excellent teacher. b) patient
9. I … at my mum’s shop next week. c) am working
10. You … take photos in the museum. It’s not allowed! a) mustn’t
11. Henry took the video game … to the shop because it wasn’t working. b) back
12. The boy … father is a dentist is my friend. a) whose
13. She … the house yesterday. b) left
14. …. from the UK! a) Greetings
15. I … a new digital camera. I’m sure we’ll take nice pictures in it. c) have bought
16. When babies are happy, they … . c) are smiling
17. I saw a … . That was very funny. c) comedy
18. If we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species … extinct. a) will become
19. We should take the children … for a walk. It’s a lovely day! a) out 20. I went to Paris two years … . c) ago

 1. The government is trying a variety of things to … pollution. b) reduce
2. If you’re tired, you should … some rest. c) have
3. If Nick… a new computer, he will let us use it. a) buys
4. Mike is … Pete. They will both do well in the exam. c) as clever as
5. I … my ankle and it really hurts. b) ‘ve twisted
6. You haven’t finished the task, … ? c) have you?
7.  My sister finished the exercise by … . Nobody helped her. a) herself
8. I won’t do it … you ask me nicely. You must learn to be polite. b) unless
9. If you exercise regularly, you … have more energy. a) will  
10. I ……a birthday party next week. It’ll be fun! c) am having
11. Katy was doing her homework while Suzie … a)  was cooking
12. Boris …, took a shower and went to work. c)  got up
13. The book … you are reading is very good. c) which
14. …… when you rang the doorbell? a) Were they sleeping
15. Documentaries are very … c) interesting
16. I was very …. to learn the results of our exams. b) interested
17. He likes to hang …  at the café with his friends. a) out
18. First she did the washing up, … she started her homework c) then
19. They gave … kick-boxing because they got bored a) up
20.  This is the girl …. won the swimming competition. b) who

Другие вопросы по предмету

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seller: Hello. Can i help you?

you: I must buy black shoes.

seller: So these shoes.

you: How much?

seller: 20 $

you: But i only have  17 $

seller: Sorry, we couldn't help you

you: But i should buy these shoes. These present for my brother.

seller: So for these we can doing salle. You can buy these shoes for 17 $

you: Thank you very much. You help me.

seller:  Please, come again.

you: Bay, good luck. 

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I study at fine school. At my school very much it is pleasant to me. Here good and kind teachers. And at me which I love an amicable class. At our school I am ready to listen to teachers for hours and hours, after all they so is interesting explain. My favourite subject of the mathematician, there it is interesting to me to solve examples. In general at me ideal school, all in it is pleasant to me.

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At last the winter holidays came! I was very happy!   I didn't have  to get up early in the morning and run to school. I could stay in the bed till midday. But I didn't want to sleep. There were a lot of things to do. The weather was fine so my friends and I went to the skating- rink almost every day. It was fun! Then I spent a week in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. It was great. I drank milk and eat a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. I have many friends in this village because I go there every holidays. We went to the forest to ski, we made snowmen and played snowballs. We even played hockey! But the winter holidays were over and I returned to the city again.  I liked my holidays very much.  

Наконец наступили зимние каникулы! Я был очень счастлив!  Я не должен был вставать рано утром и бежать в школу. Я мог  оставаться в постели до полудня. Но я не хотел спать. Было так много дел. Погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили на каток почти каждый день. Это было весело! Затем я провел неделю в деревне, где  живут мои дедушка и бабушка . Это было здорово. Я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы ходили в лес кататься на лыжах, мы делали снеговиков и играли в снежки. Мы даже играли в хоккей! Но зимние каникулы закончились, и я вернулся в город снова. Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.
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[email protected] спробуй цей

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My Birthday is wonderful day for me!

I was born on the 12th of March. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me. March is a spring month and usually the weather is warm. In the morning my parents come to my place and say: "Happy Birthday!"

They give me presents. I enjoy getting them. Most people have a birthday party on this day.

This year I have my birthday party at home. My parents and I prepared for this day. We invited my friends and relatives to the party.

I celebrated my birthday on Sunday. I got up early in the morning. My father and I went to the shop and to the market to buy everything we needed for the party.

My mother stayed at home. She made cakes and laid the table. At four o'clock my relatives and friends came to congratulate me and I was glad to see them. They brought flowers, books, sweets and presents. I thanked them all.

We had a good holiday dinner on this day. During our merry party we sang songs, danced, made jokes and spoke about our life, hobbies, and future

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1)Have they readed the book?

2)Has she seen the film?

3)Has he met Mr Jackson?

4)Has she had lunch?

5)Has businessmen  arrived?

6)Have I bought the castle?

7)Have they  been to India?

8)Has he been to England?

9)Has she been to London?

10)Have they been to Moscow.

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But that is one way of looking at it.
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1) An application form was given to us by the librarian.
We were given an application form by the librarian.
2) Some money was paid him for helping.
He was paid some money for helping.
3) An interesting story was told us by Mike.
We were told an interesting story by Mike.
4) A new theatre was shown them by the Petrovs.
They were shown a new theatre by the Petrovs.
5) An e-mail was sent to me by the library.
I was sent an e-mail by the library.
1) His jokes are always laughed at by everybody.   
2) The doctor has been already sent for.   
3) This book is often referred to by people.   
4) Kate was waited for ten minutes yesterday.
1) off    2) round    3) into    4)down    5) on
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1)My grandma normally walks very slowly.

2)Fiona is definitely our best singer.

3)I tried hard to listen but I could hardly understand anything.

4)Tom is a very good player and he usually plays well / Tom is a good player and he usually plays very well.(и так и так правельно)

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1. TV has some disadvantages. First of all while you watch TV you can read book, because it more interesting and it help you to be more clever.  Secondly, if you watch TV more than 2 hour every day, you can lost your good eyesight.  It's bad for your body.

2.Mobile phone are not very good for us. Mobile phone help to speak with people, but if you very often use your mobile phone, it can damage your health. I think, speak with people without telephone is the best for us.

3. Internet - modern technology. In our life internet is very important. Internet help to know new information, and help in work. Now if you want to get many money, you must know how to work in internet.

4. Every clever person must study in university. University it's hight level. University can help you with  give good job. If you finish university it's helps your future, you become clever person with good opportunities.