
Заполните пропуски в предложении. they always … together to school. выберите один ответ: go didn’t went are go weren’t go вопрос 2 заполните пропуски в предложении. when … … … … cinema? выберите один ответ: do you come in do go you at a are you be to the did you go to the вопрос 3 заполните пропуски в предложении. … you come from spain … last month? выберите один ответ: did, did, in were, at do, in вопрос 4 заполните пропуски в предложении. … you … … school … tuesday? выберите один ответ: did, go, at, in were, on is, in, the, in was, at, on вопрос 5 заполните пропуски в предложении. … book … very interesting. выберите один ответ: these, is those, is this, was this, did вопрос 6 заполните пропуски в предложении. … … we … in england. выберите один ответ: in last june, went last june, were at this june, are in last june, was вопрос 7 заполните пропуски в предложении. our students … learn english … year. выберите один ответ: weren’t, last doesn’t, this do not, in didn’t, last вопрос 8 заполните пропуски в предложении. … … here yesterday? выберите один ответ: who comes who came does who come did who came вопрос 9 заполните пропуски в предложении. my husband … work … there. выберите один ответ: isn’t, didn’t, didn’t, at doesn’t, in вопрос 10 заполните пропуски в предложении. … … the blackboard please. выберите один ответ: he came from see at go at look at вопрос 11 заполните пропуски в предложении. i often … to see ann in the evening. выберите один ответ: comed coming came comes вопрос 12 заполните пропуски в предложении. … she often … … here … last year? выберите один ответ: was, come, in, on did, came, did, come, does, came, to, in вопрос 13 заполните пропуски в предложении. … you do your homework yesterday? выберите один ответ: were are do did вопрос 14 заполните пропуски в предложении. nick … go … school … monday. выберите один ответ: didn’t, in, in wasn’t, in, at didn’t, to, on doesn’t, to, over вопрос 15 заполните пропуски в предложении. … the book … your bag? выберите один ответ: is, in was, into are, to is, from вопрос 16 заполните пропуски в предложении. … ann do well at school last month? выберите один ответ: are did does was вопрос 17 заполните пропуски в предложении. tom … go to school. he … sick. выберите один ответ: didn’t, were didn’t, was doesn’t, was aren’t, was вопрос 18 заполните пропуски в предложении. … … you do … the weekend? выберите один ответ: what, do, for why, did, in where, do, on what, did, at вопрос 19 заполните пропуски в предложении. ann … … and … … . выберите один ответ: come into, sat to came in, sat down comen in, sit down came sat at вопрос 20 заполните пропуски в предложении. we … … … our homework … here. выберите один ответ: don’t do often, in aren’t often do, weren’t do often, at didn’t often do, вопрос 21 заполните пропуски в предложении. … she learn english last year? выберите один ответ: was does do did вопрос 22 заполните пропуски в предложении. … ann … the country … summer? выберите один ответ: does, in, that did, to, last was, in, last did, on, the вопрос 23 заполните пропуски в предложении. tom … … and … … the room. выберите один ответ: stand back, go into stood went stood up, went out of standed off, went out вопрос 24 заполните пропуски в предложении. … … he do yesterday? выберите один ответ: what did where did what was why was вопрос 25 заполните пропуски в предложении. we … in spain 2 years ago. выберите один ответ: are work studies were

. 2

Пошаговый ответ

01.10.2020, проверен экспертом
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They always go together to school.

Вопрос 2
When did you go to the cinema?

Вопрос 3
Did  you come from Spain last month?

Вопрос 4
… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on

Вопрос 5
… book … very interesting.
This, was

Вопрос 6.
… … we … in England.
Last June, were

Вопрос 7
Our students … learn English … year.
didn’t, last

Вопрос 8
… … here yesterday?
Who came

Вопрос 9
My husband … work … there.:
didn’t, ---

Вопрос 10
… … the blackboard please.
Look at

Вопрос 11
I often … to see Ann in the evening.

Вопрос 12
… she often … … here … last year?
Did, come, ---, ---

Вопрос 13
Did you do your homework yesterday?

Вопрос 14
Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on

Вопрос 15
… the book … your bag?
Is, in

Вопрос 16.
Did Ann do well at school last month?

Вопрос 17
Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was

Вопрос 18
… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at

Вопрос 19
Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down

Вопрос 20
We … … … our homework … here., ---
didn’t often do, ---

Вопрос 21
Did she learn English last year?

Вопрос 22
… Ann … the country … summer?
Was, in, last

Вопрос 23
Tom … … and … … the room.
stood up, went out of

Вопрос 24
… … he do yesterday?
What did

Вопрос 25
We were  in Spain 2 years ago.

Другие вопросы по предмету

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1-с, т.к. после who ставится is, но т.к. есть last Sunday как показатель времени ставим was. 
2-а, т.к they-множественное число, из предложенных вариантов подходит только а)) 

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1. He left without looking back. 2. Upon hearing the news, she immediately called them. 3. He went to bed without finishing his work. 4. We are very tired of seeing this city all day. 5. When I got home, I had dinner. 6. Before leaving, my father said he would be back at 7 o'clock. 7. He offended us by telling a lie. 8. The boy answered without looking up. You won't get anywhere without seeing him. Having established this fact (after establishing this fact), he felt full confidence that he was right.
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Напишите свои вступительные замечания, опишите погоду и скажите, где вы остановились. (Привет ... Это ... Мы остаемся ) Напишите название фестиваля, скажите, когда оно и что обычно бывает. (Это ... здесь и сейчас ). Опишите, что происходит сейчас / что вы делаете. (На данный момент люди ... Я ... мы ...) Напишите свои заключительные замечания. (Увидимся на следующей неделе) Ваш (ваше имя)

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She's going to go to the gym three times.

She's going to attend conference in the morning and afternoon and to the ironing in the evening.

She's going to go to the grocery store twice.

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Once upon a time there was a robot who could do anything. He rebuilt broken houses, saved citizens in their time of need, and brought peace to the whole city in which he lived in. But one day he suddenly changed. Maybe it was a change in his wire, or something else, but he was never the same again since. The hero-like robot turned evil. He no longer helped anyone, but only caused misfortune wherever he went. And so the citizens of the city, who once loved and adored the robot, decided to attack and destory him, before he destroyed them. And so he was gone. Although the people were still angry at him, and claimed him to be a villian, he still was commened for his past good doings. 



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писать предложения в Present Perfect. перевод. 1.I есть уроки английского языка.2.Учитель ставит наши знаки в реестр. 3. Мои друзья сдают экзамены. 4. Таняпошла в школу в возрасте до пяти лет. 5. Директор объясняет вещи ясно. 6. Ябеспокоиться о вас. 7. Я еду в столовой. 8. Я буду наслаждаться природой.я всё напсала

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What is there in the cupboard?

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I would like to tell you about the place where i would like to live. As for me, I have always been dreaming about moving to Australia. This country seems perfect for me. High wages, high standards of living, Australian traditions - every feature of this place appeals to me. I would like to live in Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney because there cities are the largest in this country. As far as I know, it is easier to find good work there. The exciting way of life attracts me. Moreover, the architecture of these cities is incredible.

It is a common knowledge that people in Australia are very friendly. This nation is one of the kindest. They always help each other. I would like to live in such a good community.

The nature in Australia in unbelievably beautiful. There are a large number of animals which exists only in this place. The amount of various reserves is unbelievable. I would like to attend them.

The majority of people who live there are patriots. Well, I definitely understand their love to this country. It can’t be unappreciated. That is the greatest dream of mine - to feel the atmosphere of Australia by myself. I really love it and sometimes I have a strong feeling that I was born in a wrong country.

(Извиняюсь за свой непатриотизм)

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1.I’m afraid there’s no coffee. Would you like some tea?

2.  I can’t see any birds!

3. There are not any pictures on the wall