
1. Заполните пропущенное слово или фразу. Есть одно слово, которое вам не нужно использовать. designed, model-making, portrayed, action-packed box-office
colouring , miniature, draw, potter`s wheel, spray, sketch

1. Graffiti artists use paint.
2. Many artists the outline of their subject before they begin to paint.
3. My young sister likes in black and white pictures.
4. The painter me as a queen sitting on a throne.
5. The architect has already our new house and we are going to start building it next month.
6. Pottery classes were my favourite ones and I decided to buy my own .
7. Williars Wigan`s sculptures are so , that you can see them only through a microscope.
8. My brother made a stunning copy of an ancient castle at the class.
9. Avatar was a real success because millions of people went to the cinemas to see it.
10. Rick loves films, as they are full of excitement and adventure scenes.

. 10

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