
1. подчеркните инфинитив (the infinitive), укажите его функцию в предложении. the professor wants you to take part in the investigation. the conference to be held in london is sure to arouse the interest of foreign scientists. to learn new english words is important. dan persuaded me to include this article into the list. i've never been to iceland but i'd like to go there. 2. подчеркните герундий (the gerund), укажите его функцию в предложении. the storm prevented the ship from reaching the port in time. he did not like being read to. she doesn't allow smoking in the house. swimming against the current was difficult and dangerous work. be careful in crossing the street.

. 2

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01.10.2020, проверен экспертом
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1. The Professor wants you to take part in the investigation. (прямое дополнение)
The conference to be held in London is sure to arouse the interest of
foreign scientists. (часть составного именного сказуемого, часто составного глагольного сказуемого)
To learn new English words is important. (подлежащее)
Dan persuaded me to include this article into the list. (прямое дополнение)
I've never been to Iceland but I'd like to go there. (часть составного глагольного сказуемого).

2.  The storm prevented the ship from reaching the port in time. (предложное дополнение)
He did not like being read to. (прямое дополнение)
She doesn't allow smoking in the house. (прямое дополнение)
Swimming against the current was difficult and dangerous work. (подлежащее)
Be careful in crossing the street. (обстоятельство)

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Московский дворик очень изменился с Поленов написал ее в 1878 году. Только церковь, которая в фоновом режиме остается.Церковь дала свое название по улице, Spassopeskovsky. Сегодня в резиденции посла США находится на улице по-церкви, что `ы, почему американцы называют жительства дома. Москва установила дипломатические контакты со многими странами в 16-м веком. Когда иностранцы приехали в Москву, они увидели, что это было больше, чем в Лондоне и Праге /

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Написать правила для Hobbitland. Не забудьте упомянуть (не забудьте упомянуть) все вежливые слова, которые вы знаете.
Пример: Хоббиты должны сказать "до Свидания" , когда они покидают свои дома

 The Hobbitland to say "Hello" when they meet friends
 Must speak welcome when the guests come to him
 Have to say"oh" or "give me" when something is asked to
 Have to say "good night" before bedtime
 Have to say "Good morning" when waking up

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В субботу я хожу гулять, а потом играю дома.

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In this comlication I'd like to tell about books and the Internet. There are lots of opinions  

what is better and now I'll give some pros and cons about books and the Internet.

Firstly books, of course it's more pleasently to read books rather than from monitor, as for me it's more likely to feel a real paper in my hands. The sekond advanteger of reeding books is linked with the one before the result of research shows that our brain remember more information while reading books but the Internet. The last of course has it's advanteges and the main is that you have a great amount of information in your computer, and that is the firs disadvanteger of books, you need a lot of books to find something you need, next advanteger of the Internet is a search function, it helps to find the most usefull information, and it also next disadvanteger of books, you have to read the whole book to find information.

In conclusion I want to say that I don't mind what is better books or the Interned, after all who can forbid me to use both?

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My name*s is Jack and I live in Odessa.I got up  7o*clock or 7-30.Every day I went to school by car.I started stadies 9o*clock.I left  home at 8o*clock.After lunch I went to  music school.In the ivening 19.00  to 21.00, i did sports and  dancing.Then I went to home.I went to bed at  11 o*clock.I liked my  work.

On Saturday I didn*t went to school.

On Sunday I didn*t went to the sinema.

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1.His pen isn't long

2.Jess hasn't got a big cockerbel

3.A fox isn't black

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My dino-pet story. Last night I played with my little dino-pet .It was hungry and ate some cakes.It grew and grew and grew. It had big stomach. It was  taller than a  house. It looked for me. I opened my eyes. There was my dino-pet next to me. Phew!

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1. I fed my cat with fish yesterday. 2. What were you doing at four o'clock yesterday? I was feeding my cat. 3. What did your brother do yesterday? He played computer games. 4. I began repairing my camera at six o'clock yesterday. 5. At five o'clock yesterday Helen was cooking soup. 6. We were playing badminton from nine till eleven yesterday. 7. Kate did not go for a walk yesterday. She was writing a composition the whole day yesterday. 8. When did your father come home yesterday? He came home at seven o'clock. 9. When my father came home yesterday, my mother was making supper. 10. We did not go on a tramp last summer. 11. What were you doing when your sister came home yesterday? 12. Were you having supper at nine o'clock yesterday? 13. He did not go to the shop yesterday. 14. Nick went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 15. Rick was sleeping at eleven o'clock yesterday. 16. When we were playing in the yard yesterday, it suddenly started raining heavily. 17. I saw Mike when he was crossing the street. 18. He began repairing his bicycle in the morning yesterday. 19. He was repairing his bicycle the whole day yesterday. 20. He finished repairing his bicycle in the evening yesterday.
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horseracing,gardening, painting, travelling

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Finally the sun appeared in the sky.(Наконец-то в небе появилось солнце)

I`m very interested in learning the story of my country. (Я очень заинтересован в изучении истории своей страны)

There are a lot of islands in the ocean. (Существует много островов в мировом океане)

My grandmother has the house in the settlement.( У моей бабушки есть дом в поселке (городского типа))

There were five rounds in the fighting.(В поединке было 5 раундов)